In the Dark Night of the Soul

Discover the Holy Light within you and experience the Divine through communion

Welcome, Seeker of Truth

Church of the Holy Light is a religious community dedicated to celebrating and honoring our inner divinity. Our beliefs center around the Holy Light, an immanent and incarnate divine presence that is directly experienced through communion. In order to establish and maintain this connection with the divine, we routinely celebrate rites in accordance with nature’s solar, lunar, and seasonal rhythms.


Lunar rites are celebrated twice a month during new and full moons. This is our sacramental ceremonies.


Seasonal rites are celebrated four times a year during spring and autumn equinoxes as well as summer and winter solstices.


Solar return rites are birthday rites celebrated annually on the day of the formation of a specific chapter.


Festival is an annual retreat where members of all communities gather for initiations and celebrations.


At our church, all services and rites are provided free of charge to ensure accessibility and inclusivity for all members of our community. We rely solely on the generous donations of our congregation to sustain our ministries and operations, allowing everyone to fully participate in the spiritual rites and ceremonies.

Group & Personal Rituals

Experience the healing sacred ceremony with a group or in a private setting.

Group & Private Integration

Monthly group integration meetings are open to the public. Private one-on-one integration is available by appointment.

Classes & Orientation

Information session about the Church and our mission are available monthly. Classes, both online and in person, are offered to learn more about the mysteries.

Our Mission

From humble beginnings to guiding countless souls across the Abyss…

Our approach integrates thousands of years of ancient wisdom with modern insights serving a diverse community.

Empower Your Spirituality Today

Take the Step Towards Truth

The Creed

I believe

in the ascension to divinity, elevating myself beyond the limits of my humanity and embracing the Holy Light within.

I believe

in the realization of my own divine nature, recognizing my inherent godliness – the potential for infinite compassion and empathy for all beings.

I believe

in the awakening to my immortality, acknowledging the eternal nature of my soul and the endless continuity and possibilities of existence.


“I realized the importance of family and how I can prioritize them in my life without sacrificing my own needs.”

“To be able to face the dark night of the soul and come out the other side a changed man… priceless!”

“I found solace within this community. The guidance and support here helped me navigate my path with clarity and focus.”

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